Friday, April 18, 2014

Lombard Garden Club

I had the opportunity to give my Victory Garden talk to the Lombard Garden Club last week.  What a great group--the room was filled with men and women, young and old, every one of them an enthusiastic gardener!  This club, which started in the early 1920s, does a fundraiser each year by hosting a lilac sale.  Last year, they sold over 400 lilac shrubs, with many different varieties.  They first started doing it years ago, when the village of Lombard gave them a grant to help defray the cost of purchasing the stock.
Lombard has been known for many years for it's lilacs, and even has a park named for them.  Lilacia Park was originally part of the estate of Colonel William R. Plum, a telegraph officer in the Civil War.  He bequeathed his land and collection of lilacs to the people of Lombard for a public park, and his house for a free public library.  in 1929, the landscape design for the park was done my the famed landscape architect, Jens Jensen.  Today, Lombard hosts a Lilac festival each year, and is known as The Lilac Village.
These are the fascinating bits of history I pick up as I visit garden clubs all over the area.  Each one is unique, and has a lovely story to share with me about their origins. And so, I always leave a garden club having shared some of my knowledge, and at the same time, having learned something new.  It's a good exchange.

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